Saturday, May 2, 2009


by: f. g. lopriato y lopez

The youngest of those Grade and Junior High School teachers of the war and Pre and pre-World War Two years is over ninety now. The children that they taught are in the neighborhood of eighty. To these people FDR, Winston Churchill, Ike Eisenhower, George Patton, Douglas McArthur, The Desert Fox, Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally, Etc., were as real as Barrack Obama, The Bush Clan, Rush Limbaugh, etc., are to you. When you consider that most of the people you know because of Radio Talk Show fame, or participation in National Politics, and high Profiles in industry bunch up around the age of sixty, and know only what they've been told, or what is written about the super leaders of The Greatest Generation, it's no wonder that they think today's average citizen is confused, baffled and bewildered, not to mention scared to death. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, being scared is God or Nature's way of warning you that something is amiss. It puts all your survival instincts (plural) in a fight or flight mode, chemically. It's a burst of energy that is made to last oniy minutes or seconds, and can burn you out just as sure as you can burn a motor if you don't monitor temperature, fuel speed and the length of time you race it. Being constantly in a state of danger can take its toll on the toughest nervous system God or Nature could dream up. That's why it's called stress. There are many ways to relieve stress and most of them are discussed far too often for me to have to repeat them here,. Sure, it helps to pray, meditate, do Yoga, Tai Chi and other exercises .. But what can you do about the source of that stress?
Remember the prayer that asks "The Lord" for enough courage to change the thing one can change, patience, or courage to accept the things one cannot change, AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW WHICH IS WHICH?
Jay Leno, on NBC, airs a segment that calls it as it is that he airs every now and then, as you know, sometimes that "It" can be books or an assortment of products that he renames to bring on the laughter. We are not comedians , the game we play is the most serious game there is.
It's a game where various forces are vying for our bodies, minds and souls, and if we don't know what those forces are, and how they operate. How will we ever know if, "The Lord" answered our prayers or not? Lets call stress what it really is: It's FEAR, Fear of the Unknown. What really happens after death? Will I be saved or not? How forgiving is The Almighty? How about Heaven and Hell? Am ! doing what is really right? Am I wrong to even ques­tion: WHAT IS REALLY WRONG AND REALLY RIGHT?
IF SO, those books should all agree, but each claims to have the corner on THE TRUTH. The secret is: Believe! But keep well within the sphere of like believers unless you are prepared to venture into increasingly more hostile territories. For some odd reason, others resent intrusions into the last vestige of God given human individualism, the inner man, their minds and souls, just as you would if someone else messed with your's it has been said that there is no convert like a new convert And it's true. A new convert has abandoned one faith and joined another,. that means that the old faith must be set aside and the new faith learned from scratch .. Most of the time, the convert has changed because he or she has been afraid to be dammed for eternity if conversion is refused. A true convert has sought out the answers he or she wants and made the commitment on his or her own.
The same goes for politics, many come but few are chosen. Many join but few are trusted. Fear of losing wealth, power or status and lust for the same has turned party politics into a treacherous, unfriendly beast. Very few party leaders have the welfare of the country at heart. The very few that can be trusted have bribing lobbyists, bribed colleagues, bribed party leaders with whom to contend besides self serving political organizations made up of constituents who are influential in the community,
Lust, fear and greed are easy ways to control populations, every corrupt ruler and dictator since the dawn of civilizations has known that, and used those means to gain and retain wealth. power, and status. When the United States was formed, hope for a better way of life became the magnet for downtrodden people the world over to come here and help form a nation that was not like the nation that was not like the one they left behind, now their descendants are set on forgetting the dream of their forbearers being trashed have become even more intolerant than their own individual countries of origination were.
Medicine, education, social services, (the military is politicized), and postal systems, the penal system and communication systems have all been either wholly or partly privatized both Federal and local governments caler more to big business than they do the common, everyday citizen. In many cases Government, the establisher and institutionalizer of those services is said to be an interloper, Our money is controlled by foreign banks and our natural resources are owned by foreign coun­tries. We are having to borrow from our most formidable enemies to pay, just the in­terest on our national debt. All to keep the same people in power administration after administration, regardless of what party was in power.
It was all done with smoke and mirrors by playing both ends against the middle and promising each the biggest portion of the spoils .and making you think that Government was a third party off to one side, waiting to jump you and take every­thing you have. Did you even once suspect that YOU are the government You only elect them to administer, not to lord all over you.
Callers to Right Wing Radio shows do not want government in their lives. What they cannot understand is that without government there is no one to regulate the affairs of a civilized society, we had a tiny taste of what it would be if someone had not stopped the bankers and giant corporations from doing more than what they did to the economy, on top of getting us into almost eight trillion dollars fighting an unjustified, and unnecessary and senseless war in Iraq. No. Government did not do it. A corporation owned administration did, and I'm out of space again. ///fglyl

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