Tuesday, April 28, 2009


by: f. g. lopriato y lopez
The wisest words franklin D. Roosevelt spoke in his three terms of office were only eight, but those eight words still sustain the faith, hope, and courage of true Americans in their country and in their form of government.
I think it was Oscar Wilde who said, "A coward dies a thousand times, A brave man dies but once." At least I hope he said it, At the time. The way remember it, he was a homosexual serving time in prison with a bunch of murderers who had killed their women, when he asked each why he had done it, the answer was always, "Because I loved her." This inspired him to write; "yet each man kills the thing he loves, by each let this be heard, some do it with a bitter look, some with a flattering word, the bravest use a sword,."
Courage, on the other hand, is not the absence of fear but the control thereof. Fear is an emotion that cannot be erased or amputated. Fear must be controlled.
We just had a tremendous example of all that in the emergency landing of a passenger plane in the Hudson River.
Only insane people are not afraid in the face of danger. The pilot and crew must have been scared, but they had been trained to control their fear automatically call upon that training to remain cool, calm and collected. because they did, the passengers remained the same, all but one, who panicked and opened an escape hatch and almost sank the plane
TRW leadership then 9s, control your own fear so that it will not infect those around you. The one person who could not control his was subdued to keep his panic from spreading. , There was a time when, we thought that leadership rested fully on the person in charge, as late as the Korean war, it was thought that if the leader of a group was incapacitated, that the group would not be able to function and would fall apart, and perhaps it was true to a certain extent, bit groups, such as the French Resistance, Communist cells, and Korean Guerillas, to name a few, trained every member of the group to lead, should the person in charge be killed, wounded, or taken prisoner. it works in better if the roll of leader is not exploited for personal power, fame, or glory. and by the same token, for the fame" honor and glory of a special group. All this is accomplished with discipline.
Leadership can be summed up under one single definition. "The member of any group that can get the most team-work out of the most members of that group." He or she or it, usually accomplishes that task by using Mind Control.
Teams all have a purpose for existing. That purpose is part of a greater group's goal. A team leader, must convince his team that the goal is worthwhile and, at times, convince them to do things that they would prefer not to do, and like it. for the good of the cause. or greater goal.
Who is your leader? You can only have one you know. How does he or she accomplish the task? With Fear, Charisma, by trickery; or with honesty, Charm, of Intelligence?
On the other hand does he or she lead by subterfuge, undermining the credibility, authority, and efforts of the opposition?
What kind of a team player are YOU?? Sheep and cattle are driven from behind. Their leaders are cowboys and shepherds, leading from behind ..
You, dear reader, are the exception, marching to your own drum- beat. You are the captains of your souls and masters of your destinies. Dream on.... If you follow the rules, the rule makers are your leaders, and if you don't you land in jail.. or stoking the eternal fires in the here-after. We just can't win for losing.

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